Organic Lawn Care
Thatch, clover, mushrooms, grubs, weeds, brown spots - what causes them and what should you do? We share details on common lawn issues, fertilization options, turf types, mowing techniques, and overall lawn care, with a focus on organic options that are better for your health and the environment.
5 Simple Grass Mowing Practices for a Healthier Lawn
Simple mowing practices that can help your lawn be healthier, reduce weeds, lessen the need for fertilizer and develop deeper, more drought-resistant roots. Best of all, they don't cost you a dime!
Read More Importance of Spring Lawn Care for Central NJ & PA
Your lawn will be waking soon and begin drawing from the nutrients that it stored in its roots last fall. But there's a limit to how much your lawn can store - even in perfect conditions, it will need a boost in spring. And that's where your organic spring lawn care program comes in.
Read More The Problem With Lawns in New Jersey & Eastern Pennsylvania
Beautiful, lush green lawns - what could be wrong with that? Learn why we have lawns, the problems with lawns and the reasons for those problems. How do you avoid the issues? Keep reading ...
Read More Begin Your Organic Lawn Care Around Labor Day
Late summer into early fall is the perfect time to grow grass. With the cooler nights and shorter days, weed growth is beginning to slow, which provides less competition for grass. Use the proper cultural practices and the three simple steps described here to build a lush, safe, chemical-free lawn.
Read More Weed of the Week: Hairy Bittercress
Hairy Bittercress, (Cardamine hirsute), is a winter and summer annual that germinates from seed during cool moist conditions, like spring and fall. It is a prolific seed producer that explodes at the slightest touch, sending tiny seeds flying in all directions when the seedpods mature. Once established, it is VERY difficult to eradicate.
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