Core Aeration & Overseeding for Healthy Lawns

grass lawn core aeration


Core aeration and over-seeding or slit seeding is the key to “crowding out” weeds. The more healthy grass you have, the fewer broadleaf weeds can grow in your lawn.

We over-seed with a high quality tall fescue blend that is more disease resistant and appropriate for our zone and climate here in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.


Late summer to early fall is the optimal time for lawn core aeration and over-seeding. At this time of year, grass seeds germinate better, new grass gets established faster, and there are fewer weed seeds competing with the grass.

Benefits of Core Aerating and Over-Seeding Your Lawn


    soil plugs after core aeration

    Soil plugs after core aeration

  • gets oxygen to the roots allowing soil to breathe
  • loosens compacted, heavy soils
  • gets water and nutrients down into the root zone
  • breaks up thatch
  • provides excellent seed-to-soil contact necessary for good seed germination
  • allows for improved root growth and establishment when soil temps are still warm and air temperatures are cooler
  • minimizes competition with weed seed as most weeds are on their way out for the year
  • allows you to repair thin, bare areas that may have occurred from insect damage or drought stress during the previous growing season
  • gives grass that is newly established this autumn a healthy jump growing again early next spring before weed seed germinates

We recommend over-seeding every couple years with a high quality grass seed designed for our growing zone, specifically tall fescue. Many of the local blends aren’t all they say, and many other varieties are more insect and disease prone. A tall fescue blend develops a deeper root system that provides greater drought tolerance, withstands more wear and tear and is more insect and disease resistant.

And, don’t worry about the little soil plugs left behind after core aeration. They’ll get chopped up after a couple of regular mowings and return valuable nutrients and organic matter to your lawn.

Complimentary Core Aeration & Overseeding Quote

Click to get started with your organic lawn care program or give us a call at 908-309-6611.

Lawn Care Services

Get a Lush Green Lawn With
Core Aeration & Overseeding